Cognac House Category ratings General comments Overall Score

Rémy Martin


Merpins, route de Pons (5 km from Cognac)

Phone: 05 45 35 76 66

Monday-Saturday April to October including holidays. Call to reserve.

General comments: 10/10 An excellent tour with a very friendly guides (i.e. Emmanuelle, Anne-Emmanuelle). Best presentation of the cooperage. And, of course, there is the train ride! 39/60
Obtaining info: 9/10 Easy to obtain info, multilingual and the The Secrets of Excellence brochure adds a classy touch
Cognac History: 5/10 A bit repetitive but still delivers the message
Cognac Production: 7/10 The best part is the first video on distillation, the rest is acceptable but again repetitive. A nice touch a offering to 'nose' the eaux-de-vie from the barrel.
Tasting: 3/10 Cognac Tonic is offered. Why not let the visitor choose straight VSOP, 1738, XO or Extra or with a mix like Perrier?
House shop: 5/10 The shop needs a retail experienced hand to make it inviting; poor product display cannot be compensated by ever eager and friendly Guides. A nice touch with ticket game and the redeeming postcard.